
10 Best Practices To Improve Your Meta Algorithm Rank

What is the Meta Algorithm?

The Meta Algorithm is a set of rules that determine which posts people see when they check their Facebook or Instagram feed. The algorithm shows the posts that “matter most to the user”.

Meta uses multiple layers of AI machine learning tools that analyzes each piece of content eligible to be displayed and ranks them according to a set criteria. Content is arranged in descending, non-chronological order of interest to each individual user. This process happens every time a user – 2.9 billion – refreshes their feed.

Exact details are murky on how Facebook Algorithm ranks and decides which posts work but there are best practices recommended by Meta because their ultimate goal is to keep people on their platform.

How the Meta Algorithm Works in 2023?

First of all, the News Feed feature has been scrapped and Facebook and Instagram now implement the Feed. Feed shows users stories that are the most meaningful to them and their community, from friends, family, businesses and news sources.

Meta uses three main ranking signals to determine what stories you might see:

  1. Who Posted It: Content from sources you have interacted with in the past will show up more frequently
  2. Type of Content: If you interact with videos more that is what you will see, if you interact with photos you will see more photos, if you interact with reels you will see more reels. You get the gist.
  3. Interactions with the Post: Higher interactions will be prioritized above others, especially posts you interact with a lot.

Users also have the ability to train the Meta algorithm to show what the user prefers. Using tools such as Favorites, which allows for users to add friends and pages they like to their priority list and In-feed options that gives users the ability to reduce the amount of posts they view from a brand.

10 Best Practices to Improve your Meta Algorithm Ranking

  1. Keep Posts Relevant to your Audience – Understand your core audience and create posts that they would like to see. When your posts are relevant Meta algorithm will rand your content as “meaningful”.
  2. Engage encourage interactions on your posts – Meta supports content that promotes positive interactions. When you have conversations with others who post to your page your content is ranked higher
  3. Don’t use clickbait or engagement bait – Avoid encouraging your users to like, share or comment on your page Meta frowns against this and will penalize your content.
  4. Expand your post reach with employees and brand advocates – Encourage your employees and brand advocates to share your post. Do not do this on the platform. Rather share with them via your email newsletter
  5. Put ad dollars behind content with organic momentum – When Meta suggests a post is performing better that 95% of your other posts consider expanding your reach by boosting the post with an ad. There is no minimum and you can do it for as little as $5. You can further leverage your Ads by utilizing Meta Ad Manager tools. Do not advertise poor performing posts because your CPC (Cost per Conversion) will be very high and it will offer less in return.
  6. Create compelling, and original video content – If you read my previous blog or newsletter you will understand why story telling through video content is key to leveraging Meta’s Algorithm. Creating original and authentic reels is a very important factor when it comes to retaining your audience and reaching new audiences that align with your brand.
  7. Evoke emotion and inspire audiences through story telling – A great story is told by identifying the problem your audience has and provide a solution. Your goal is to highlight the right story your customer is seeking and identify your customer as a hero and determine who the villain is. I will share more on story telling in the next Opportunity Report Newsletter.
  8. Post authentic and truthful content – Meta defines good content as “authentic stories are the ones that resonates most with the user”. Share content with clear headlines free from exaggeration, share accurately sourced and reliable information, and avoid sharing content you need to clarify.
  9. Schedule content when reader are likely to engage – Timing is key to getting the most bang for your content and each core user has different times they are most likely to engage with your content. The best time to post is when your audience is most likely to be on the platform. Every organization is different and research will have to be done to ensure you understand the best time.
  10. Track and content performance and adjust accordingly – Research, research, research! Use Meta Insights to track your post performance. This will help you understand which content is best engaged with. Meta offers different tools to help you understand what your organic content and paid content are achieving. Choose the best tool for you and track performance regularly.

There is no sure way to “hack” the Meta algorithm because the service is sophisticated and constantly evolving but be sure to follow the steps above and be consistent on posting to your brand to help your audience know when to view your content.

EHCU PR can help your brand achieve all these steps outlined above and more. In addition as a Meta Approved Agency we offer a direct connection to a Meta rep to ensure your brand is aligned with Meta practices and not in violation.

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